My first solo wedding was a great success! It was such a special, beautiful day. Gabby and Ken have a unique love for each other, and for Christ. It was apparent and shined through everything on their wedding day. It was a pleasure working with you guys and your families! I am honored to have been a part of your big day! Thank you soooo much for choosing RPphotography, enjoy your sneak peek, and I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness!
Peace, LOVE, and Photos!
The two most important men in a girl's life :) Besides Jesus of course!
SNU cheerleaders still reppin'!
Letter from Ken right before the ceremony
THIS is why I'm in love with my macro lens!!!!
This was a really cool family tree they had set up at the reception. Gabby's wedding
dress has been passed down through the generations in her family, so this was showing
all the women who have worn the dress! SO COOL!
The groom's facial expression when he sees his bride is ALWAYS
one of my favorite shots!
The kiss!
One of my favorites from the whole day. I love candids!
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